Flowers and Birds Wallpaper Border R47688
R47688 is a beautiful wallpaper border that features a collection of small bird motifs that are shown here with a pair of proud parents that admire their adorable babies that are at home in their nest which is surrounded by beautiful floral motifs. This border comes in a soothing colourway of light pink, green and borwn tones which look fantastic against the light blue of the background.
Please bear in mind this wallpaper border has been discontinued by S&A Supplies as such stock for this item is limited and once the current stock is sold there will not be a restock.
- Roll Length: 5 metres
- Roll Width: 10.1 cms (Approx 4 inches)
- Application Method: Pre-pasted
- Care: Scrubbable
- Finish: Flat
- Product Type: Vinyl